The Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance (PILAG) formerly known as the Papua New Guinea Institute of Public Administration (PNGIPA), has embarked on a journey of grooming ethical and values-based future leaders in the country. Continuing the legacy of producing national leaders since 1963, the Institute is focussed on promoting good governance and prudent management of public resources through its training programs.
As the premier government training institute for public servants, we are determined to instill a competent workforce that is responsive to the priorities of the government, simultaneously addressing the capacity needs of service movers. It is our firm belief that the quality and impact of training we provide will bring back client confidence renown in the formative years of this nation.
PILAG promotes and supports the Government’s Vision 2050 and other subsidiary national development plans through developing and delivering critical training initiatives, which contribute towards reforming a Public Service to enable more effective delivery of services. These initiatives include training programs in areas of: Leadership Development, Public Administration, Local Government Management, Public Finance Management, Land Administration, Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Training and Assessment, and Public Service Induction.
The National Government is driving this initiative through the Minister for Public Service, the Chairperson of the PILAG Board, and Secretary for the Department of Personnel Management and the PILAG Management Team.
Our training is focussed on both long-term and short term training programs: The long term training involves the legacy programs – still high on demand – that we deliver in the main campus such as the Diploma in Public Administration course. The short term trainings are intensive skills-gap filling short courses offered both on-campus and at the sub-national levels. This is in line with the Government’s view of subnational reach and presence, especially at the critical points of service delivery.
To drive this institute forward, I have identified some working Key Result Areas to begin implementation of the PILAG Act. The Institute is on course to achieve its performance targets and make a meaningful contribution to achieve the development aspirations of the government of the day.
Let me reiterate that under my leadership, the future prospect for this institute is to reach out to the sub-national levels and the Pacific in terms of public-sector workforce training
I would like to extend my appreciation to both the Governments of PNG and Australia, for their continuous support to the Institute. We look forward to achieving many more milestones together, in terms of building PNG’s public sector capacity in 2020 and beyond.
The information you find here should be relevant, worthwhile, and enjoyable to enable your participation in our courses. I also hope that you will be able to take the skills you learn to make an impact back in the workplace which will lead to benefit our people in Papua New Guinea.
Michael Barobe
Chief Executive Officer