THE CONSTITUTIONAL Law Reform Commission (CLRC) is the first Government organisation to donate 148 copies of their publications to the PILAG Library on Tuesday 16 May 2020 at the Waigani Main Campus in Port Moresby. The resources include Reports, Monographs and issues Papers.

In handing over the publications, Acting Director for Research and Publication Mr Xavier Winnia of the CLRC emphasised the need to share government information on new reforms and changes to the wider community, thus making them available in libraries for all to access.

Mr Winnia said as more research material are published and become available, they will continue to support the PILAG Libraries endeavour to select and provide relevant and up to date resources to support training of the country’s public servants.

Receiving the books on behalf of the PILAG Chief Executive Officer, Chief Librarian Mr Eric Nandoma acknowledged the CLRC for their support in providing useful materials for the students and the general public to access.

Mr Nandoma said Government information is not filtering down well to the provinces, districts and LLG’s and this is an opportunity for public servants receiving training every year at PILAG to take some of the information from these resources back when they leave at the end of their study.

He said making such vital information available to easily accessible places like libraries for research will help the public to keep abreast of the current government’s reforms and changes in terms of policy pronouncements and to make informed choices and decisions in nation building.

Mr Nandoma urged other relevant government departments to deposit copies of their publications with the PILAG Library. “We are building a documentation centre for all government information to be stored in a central agency so please support us,” Mr Nandoma said.