PILAG Southern Regional Training Centre

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About Southern Regional Training Centre

The Southern Regional Centre (SRTC) is the zone structural unit established and sanction by the PILAG Board and the Management to coordinate the public sector training in Central, Gulf, Western, Northern and Milne Bay Provinces in the country.

PILAG, then Papua New Guinea Institute of Public Administration (PNGIPA), was initially called the Administrative College (ADCOL) based at Konedobu. It was later moved to six (6) mile and finally in August 1967, relocated to its present site at Waigani. The institute’s inauguration as Administrative College was a result of efforts from Interim Council established and sanctioned by the Colonial Administration in 1963.

The SRTC structural establishment and operational inception was in 1967 and we are still in the business with a “never say no mentality”. Our legacies have lived on for years and still continues today with our trademark being present from the length and width of five provinces in the Southern Region.

The SRTC classrooms and learning facilities, as well as its accommodation facilities are currently being renovated and given a facelift to provide quality learning experience for its students.

Courses Offered at PILAG’s Southern Regional Training Centre

Long Term Training

Certificate in Middle Management 10 Weeks K4, 400.00
Certificate in Accounting 20 Weeks K4, 740.00
Certificate in Local Level Government 20 Weeks K4, 740.00

Short Term Training

Certificate 2 in Training Instructor 3 Weeks K1, 800.00
Certificate 3 in Training Instructor 4 weeks K3, 500.00


Southern Regional Training Centre Facilities for rent and hire

  • Academic block x 4 classrooms
  • Office x 1 conference room
  • 1 x Common Male Hostel  (7 Rooms)
  • 1 x Common female Hostel (11 Rooms)

Southern Regional Training Centre Staffing

  1. Mr Ray Pickey – Centre Manager –  pickeyray@gmail.com
  2. Mr Ronald Navuru – Training Coordinator
  3. Ms Melvina Yanda – Finance and Admin Officer- email melvinayanda2018@gmail.com
  4. Mr Kewa Papiango – a/ Property Officer
  5. Ms Josephine: Hembeyawi – Assistant Admin Officer – email: josephinesilas369@gmail.com
  6. Anna Payabe – Cleaner

Physical location and Contact Address

The centre is located along Waigani Drive, within the PILAG Main Campus premises and adjacent to the Legal Training Institute.

Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance

Southern Regional Training Centre

P.O Box 1216 BOROKO, NCD

Telephone:  326 1433/326 0730

Email:           pilagsrtc@gmail.com



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